powertrain repair

We’ve likely all been in a position where our vehicle is making a weird noise, overheating, or just simply running rough. These are usually signs that something is seriously wrong and needs to be corrected before further damage is done. If your vehicle is experiencing powertrain transmission issues such as making strange noises or emitting burning odors, then you may need a powertrain repair which can be done at a professional auto shop or transmission shops. If you live in the Northern Nevada area, visit General Transmission in Reno for a reliable transmission repair.


Powertrain refers to the necessary mechanical components that enable your vehicle to move. This includes the transmission, but not the engine of the vehicle. Without the powertrain transmission, your vehicle would become inoperable. Knowing that the powertrain controls whether or not your vehicle will run properly, if at all, it’s critical that you get regular maintenance and services done to prevent powertrain issues. Going to vehicle repair shops that specialize in powertrain transmission repair is recommended. 


The powertrain ensures the functionality of your vehicle and when there is a problem among one of its components you are likely to be in need of a trip to the shop. It’s important to acknowledge the signs of powertrain issues so that you can avoid having to get your transmission repaired or even replaced. Here are some signs that you may be experiencing powertrain issues or transmission failure:

Warning Light Comes On

A warning light is generally a good indication that there is a mechanical issue with the vehicle. Your vehicle’s warning light may appear on the dashboard as a gear with an exclamation mark in the middle or may resemble an engine. If you notice your warning light come on, be sure to seek immediate attention from a transmission technician.

powertrain transmission issues


Overheating is a common sign of powertrain transmission issues that typically stems from having very small amounts of transmission fluid or fluid that is not meant for that vehicle. Excessive heat buildup is often obvious as indicators on the dash will notify you when temperatures start to rise and you may even notice steam coming from the hood of the car.

Trouble Shifting Gears

If you’re having difficulty shifting gears, then your powertrain transmission most likely needs repair. Trouble with shifting gears is either caused by worn-down gears that need to be replaced or low transmission fluid levels.

Strange and Unsettling Noises

If you begin to hear clicking or high-pitched whining noises coming from your vehicle, your transmission fluid may be low or in need of changing. If you’re experiencing these strange engine noises and your transmission fluids are normal then the noises may be caused by a defective torque converter.

Burning Odors

If your vehicle emits odors of burning material, you are likely experiencing your transmission overheating. This is commonly caused by bad powertrain transmission fluid and it will need to be changed.  


Because the powertrain transmission is so critical to the life of your vehicle, it’s important to know what to do if you begin experiencing complications so that you can get the appropriate powertrain repairs. In order to keep things running smoothly, you’ll need to:

  • Identify the source of the problem – Check for leaks, unusual noises, and unfamiliar odors. If you notice any difficulty shifting gears or you hear a screeching or whining noise, this could be an indication that your powertrain transmission is in need of repairs.
  • Check the transmission fluid – If your transmission fluid is low or dirty, then you may experience issues with the powertrain. Keep transmission fluids at adequate levels, and make sure the fluid hasn’t been contaminated by dirt or grease.
  • Take your vehicle into the transmission shop – The best thing to do for your vehicle is to leave it with the experts. If you’ve already done all that you can to prevent problems from occurring and still come across complications, then it’s best to take your vehicle to a repair shop where a further diagnosis can be done to efficiently repair your vehicle.


Like the engine, powertrain transmissions require regular maintenance and servicing in order to ensure that no problems arise later down the road. Regular transmission services should be done between every 100,000 to 150,000 miles. The most common service is replacing the transmission fluid. Doing this will save you time and money from having to bring your vehicle back in to have repairs made or save you from having the entire transmission rebuilt or replaced. Transmission fluid is normally a dark translucent red color. If you notice the color change to a brown or black shade, you need to have the fluid changed. 

During a transmission fluid replacement, the current fluids will be completely drained into a pan. Next, the mechanic will inspect the vehicle for damages to pans, filters, etc. If there are any faults with these, they will be either replaced or repaired. Once the inspection is finished and all repairs have been made, the pan will be reinstalled and new transmission fluid will be added. 

Powertrain Transmission close up.


Depending on the type of vehicle, the powertrain repair cost can be anywhere between $60 and $2500. A simple routine service can be the difference between a fully functioning vehicle and a vehicle that needs a complete transmission rebuild or replacement. A powertrain transmission replacement can be very expensive and very inconvenient, which is why we highly recommend getting regular maintenance services at local powertrain transmission shops.


If you’re experiencing complications such as difficulty shifting gears, unusual or strange noises and smells, or bad transmission fluid, then give the powertrain transmission experts at General Transmission Reno a call. We specialize in fixing any powertrain transmission issues you may be having and we want to ensure that your vehicle is working its best. Still not sure? Check out our powertrain transmission reviews below!

Read Our Powertrain Transmission Reviews

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